10. februar 2010
What we talk about when we talk about space
Marianne Stang Våland has defended her ph.d.-thesis "What we talk about when we talk about space: end user participation between processes of organizational and architectural design"
The thesis explores the link between two design processes that have traditionally been considered separate and sequential: the organizational and the architectural design processes. The study is based on the increasing interest in space and architecture as a potential strategic vehicle in contemporary management, an interest that is shared by some scholars within organization studies. However, only few research contributions are based on empirical studies of the processes involved.
The thesis explores the link between two design processes that have traditionally been considered separate and sequential: the organizational and the architectural design processes. The study is based on the increasing interest in space and architecture as a potential strategic vehicle in contemporary management, an interest that is shared by some scholars within organization studies. However, only few research contributions are based on empirical studies of the processes involved.